This blog is open for comments from anyone in the IMLT program at Grant MacEwan College. Please feel free to comment on anything about the display that you liked, that you didn't like, things you think could have been improved upon, or things you felt worked well in the display. The assumption is that you have seen the displays in person, and are not relying on the sometimes bad photography to evaluate these displays! Thank you for any and all comments you may have.
In general, very nice. Eyecatching colours (like the smiling sun), fun and relaxed.
The printing for the actual information is too small.
I found the title hard to read. Too much happening.
I agree that it's a happy, fun display and that the printing is too small to read. The title "children's programs" could have been bigger too and computer printed.
I thought the overall display was eye-catching and would invite people to come over and see what was in the doorway. Perhaps copies of the info to take away would be useful to the patrons.
The visibility of the writing over the light blue background could have been improved by outlining the letters in black.
This is a nice colourful display, though a lot of the printing is too small, seems a little busy, but would definitly pull people in. Might be a good idea to have prints of actual books, this is for very early readers or even pre readers, as they are more visual in what they want. We may not judge a book by its cover but I bet the little ones do.
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